Telerehabilitation (Virtual) Physiotherapy

If you are unable to attend an in-person visit and require our physiotherapy expertise, consider a virtual appointment.

Our physiotherapists are able to provide the same standard of care and education for many conditions to assist you in recovery.

This service is particularly convenient for out of town patients and post-surgical patients seeking follow up appointments.

Who would benefit from this service?

Our virtual appointments will benefit anyone with musculoskeletal injuries. Examples include:

  • General ligament sprains and muscle strains
  • Sports-related injuries and return to sport needs
  • Injuries related to a WCB claim
  • Injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident
  • Osteoarthritis treatment
  • General fitness and training

What exactly is a telerehabilitation session?

You and your physiotherapist will connect via a secure videoconferencing link and engage in a ‘face to face’ session using a computer or smart phone. A camera is required.

The most common platforms for virtual appointments is Zoom and Google Meets.

The appointment will feel very similar to an in-person visit, as the physiotherapist will take a detailed history, engage in a comprehensive discussion regarding the injury, conduct a visual assessment of the injured site, and have you complete requested activities to assist in the movement exam.

Once complete, the physiotherapist will provide a possible diagnosis and recommendations (e.g., rest, activity limitations, education, community/home exercise plans, other referrals etc.)

How much do the appointments cost?

Virtual assessments have the same fees as in-person appointments as the physiotherapist is engaging in a dedicated, one on one session that often takes more time than an in-clinic appointment.

  • New assessment = $120
  • Follow up appointment = $90

How do I book a telerehabilitation appointment?

Please contact the clinic at 780-407-5160. You will receive an email invite from the physiotherapist with the log in details.

Telerehabilitation Services Consent Form

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