ABC Virtual 2020 - Registration Open

Registration is now open for two online presentations, one on May 21 and one on May 22, that will form ABC Virtual 2020...

Copyright Office - 8 May 2020

Registration is now open for two online presentations, one on May 21 and one on May 22, that will form ABC Virtual 2020.  The ABC Copyright Conference 2020, which was to have been hosted at the University of Alberta, had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.  We are pleased to offer these two online presentations, which were originally scheduled to keynotes at the conference, as ABC Virtual 2020.

On Thursday, May 21, we will host a presentation from Dr. Rebecca Giblin, Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow at the Melbourne Law School, and Director of the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia. Her presentation is entitled "Save authors, save the world?". The session will start at 2:00pm MDT / 4:00pm EDT.

On Friday, May 22, we will host a presentation from Dr. Olivier Charbonneau, Marketing and Management Librarian at Concordia University in Montreal. The title of the presentation is "Quebec in the age of digital reproduction." The session will start at 10:00am MDT / 12:00pm EDT.

The registration form is available here.