Innovation + Entrepreneurship

Innovation skills aren’t only valuable for opening your own business. They’re used in all roles as an entrepreneur or in community positions as a social entrepreneur.

As a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow, you can develop an entrepreneurial mindset during your time on campus. You may find it similar to the process you undertake to explore your research.


The Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) offers several workshops related to innovation and entrepreneurship.

On-Campus Learning Opportunities

Many campus organizations offer training and mentoring for aspiring entrepreneurs at various stages of development.

Early Development

Scale Up


Off-Campus Training + Resources

There are several local and national organizations offering support for new entrepreneurs and innovators.


Develop your pitching skills in fun, competitive environments.

Student Groups

Meet and collaborate with other aspiring innovators from around campus.

Contact Us

For all professional development questions, contact:

Professional Development Team
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
