7.4.2 Academic Probation

Students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their registration. They are also responsible for adjustments in registration.

Information on Academic Standing, Academic Probation, and Required to Withdraw can be found in Academic Standing in the Calendar.

If you require further information, please speak with the department graduate advisor or go to the Contact Us page on the GPS website under Graduate Program Services.


Graduate Coordinators are welcome to seek the advice of the GPS (Dean or Associate Dean) on matters of academic probation, including the crafting of appropriate conditions and the determination of the appropriate time period to be imposed.

Departments wishing to recommend that GPS place a student on academic probation for a specified period of time must submit a "Recommendation for Change of Category or Academic Probation" form to GPS for approval, detailing the desired conditions of the probation. If approved, a comment of "On Academic Probation" is added to the student record and reflected on the student's transcript. Once the student has satisfied the conditions of the probation, the department may recommend that the probation be cleared by completing an "Academic Standing" form to GPS for approval. If approved, a comment of "Cleared Academic Probation" is added to the student record and reflected on the student's