7.4.1 Grades

Students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their registration. They are also responsible for adjustments in registration.

Information on Academic Standing, Academic Probation, and Required to Withdraw can be found in Academic Schedule, Dates, and Deadlines in the Calendar.

If you require further information, please speak with the department graduate advisor or go to the Contact Us page on the GPS website under Graduate Program Services.


Submission and Approval of Grades

It is the responsibility of the department to ensure that all Grade Report forms are submitted to the Registrar's Office. The schedule of final examination dates is available on the Registrar's Office website.

Detailed information on the grading system and examinations, plus instructions for completing class lists and Grade Report forms is found in the Class Record Book, available from the Grades Processing Coordinator, Registrar's Office.

Failure in a Course

Normally, the Vice-Dean will not approve a substituted course if it is a directed reading course or a course evaluated on a Credit/Fail basis, in cases where the original failed course was not a directed reading course or was not evaluated on a Credit/Fail basis.

Grades of Incomplete (IN)

When the student completes the course requirements, the department forwards to GPS a Grade Change form with the student's final grade in the course. GPS will change the grade of IN to the grade the student received.

If an Incomplete has not been cleared by the date shown on the Grade Report form, it will be changed to Incomplete Fail by GPS.

If a student fails to complete all the requirements for a course and receives a grade of Incomplete Fail, the department may recommend to GPS that the student be allowed to re-register in that course. The re-registration must be in the following Fall/Winter. The grade on the first registration remains as Incomplete Fail until the student has re-registered in and successfully completed the course, at which time the Incomplete Fail grade is changed to Incomplete.

Changes of Grade

Once the instructor has completed a Grade Change form (coded on and printed from the Special Exams/Grade Change panel group), the department submits it to GPS. This form is used to:

  • Change an incomplete grade to a Grade/Credit
  • Revise a grade
  • Change the expected date of completion on a course with a grade of Incomplete
  • Report the grade of a student not listed on the Grade Report form. If the student was not officially registered in the course the department must also submit an Add/Delete form and a memo of explanation.

Reappraisals of Final Examinations

When a department makes a reappraisal decision, it should forward the request to GPS for approval using the Results of Re-appraisal form signed by the instructor. Code and print this form on the Special Exams/Grade Change panel group. For further information on Reappraisals, refer to the Calendar.